Far too often Americans sacrifice the prosperity of our nation to strive for an antiquated xenophobic image of America where nothing ever changes.
To observe this phenomenon one need look no further than the graduate schools of America's great universities where we mold thousands of international students into great minds every year only to see them leave after graduation as stifling immigration laws prevent them from obtaining work visas.
On the other hand The Daily Tar Heel correctly recognizes the importance of globalization catering to the significant (and increasing) Hispanic population of North Carolina.
Smart businesses like the DTH rather than swimming against the tide" adapt to the ever-changing landscape of commerce. If ""La Colina"" was truly a bad idea" the DTH's revenues would suffer and it would likely stop publishing the section; this is the beauty of the free-market system we celebrate in America.
Joseph M. Crowley
BSBA '07
Chicago IL