With years of reading the DTH, no article has made me more angry than Yatin Shastri's letter to the editor (Spanish-language section has no place in the DTH"" Nov. 2).
Not only am I disappointed by Mr. Shastri's comments as a Hispanic woman but as a student at this fine University.
Never did I imagine that such inconsiderate comments could be made by a UNC student. It is one thing to suggest alternative language sections in the newspaper, but it is another to insult those who have these sections already.
To say that having La Colina is catering to our neighbors to the south is unbelievable — when did the Spanish language only encompass Mexico? Lastly, the concluding quote When did we become the United States of Northern Mexico"" is nothing but racist.
I guess my question is: When did we become the United States of Stupid?
Lisandra Maisonet
Political Science