John McCain has a long record as an anti-pork-barrel deficit hawk and will not choke Americans with a slew of new tax hikes. With a $10.5 trillion national debt McCain's plan to freeze domestic spending during his first year in office and restrict it to 2.4 percent growth throughout the rest of his term remains essential.
McCain's plan to cut corporate tax rates and maintain the 15-percent rates on dividends and capital gains will reinvigorate American business and boost employment.
Obama's plans to increase taxes on American families and businesses while promising $1 trillion in new spending is the antithesis of responsible economic policy during a time of such instability.
The U.S. government doesn't need any more inefficient bureaucratic additions" it needs to be gutted. McCain's ""change"" isn't going to cost Americans an additional quarter of a trillion per year.
Patrick Fleming
Economics" Journalism