For years I have been receiving Orange County's annual ""Waste Matters"" newsletter from the county" which had good ideas and creative thinking on waste management.
I am distressed that only Commissioner Hemminger is courageous enough to be open-minded on the issue of waste disposal in Orange County.
I urge the commissioners to be more open-minded and consider more efficient ideas for dealing with the waste produced in this county.
We have a reputation for being forward thinking in this county!
Let's set a good example for the rest of the state — the whole country even! We have so many people in this county who are well-educated creative thinkers. Let's make the most of our resources!
This is a serious matter for the future of our area including UNC. We have a reputation for being open-minded and forward-thinking. We can set an example for the state and perhaps the country if we explore more creative solutions to our waste disposal problem.
Colleen Gilbert
Chapel Hill