Courtney Brown is the best candidate for Carolina Athletic Association president. Composed and organized Brown will bring clarity and communication to the position. Of all the candidates" Brown will benefit the student body the most.
Brown wants to create a ""Stay til the End"" campaign that creates incentives for students and alumni to stay in their seats through the final buzzer.
She also proposes sensible and realistic changes to the ticketing policy. Unlike her opposition" Brown's policy does not include a penalty for unused tickets. Additionally she wants to create a ticket exchange program to supplement the standby line.
Brown's platform while short" is realistic and doable. She wants to increase student involvement by encouraging upperclassmen to participate in Carolina Fever and publicizing CAA more effectively to the student body.
Brown's passion is reflected in her work. Her love of UNC athletics and her dedication to serving the students will prove to be her ultimate assets as CAA president.
Why not Russell
Though John ""JRuss"" Russell has extensive plans for reform within the CAA" we don't like his proposed ticketing policy.
Russell proposes a penalty for unused tickets — if a student can't make a game and doesn't turn tickets back to a CAA representative the student can't register for tickets for the next three basketball games.
For the casual fan missing one game should not have such harsh consequences.
Why not Varunok
Sophomore Nick Varunok is passionate about UNC sports but he lacks leadership experience.
Though we applaud his philanthropy goal of $10000 and his community service experience he has a harsh unused ticket policy that has repercussions for the rest of the season.
One more year would give him the opportunity to better understand CAA leadership.