I don't even know where to begin in responding to Alex Rhodes' recent letter (""The closing of detention center is a horrible plan"" Jan. 28).
First of all, we as taxpayers"" are paying for the unlawful detention and torture of these people in Cuba — I would personally much rather pay for their ""‘proper' judicial treatment"" in the U.S.
As for due process" it is one of the things that separates American ideology from that of terrorists and denying it to anyone undermines what we as a nation stand for and gives credence to what the terrorists believe.
America is better than the detention facilities at Guantánamo Bay. This behavior is beneath us as a nation. If we don't have enough evidence against the detainees to try them in American courts real courts where the laws of this country actually mean something then we are not doing our job.
Yes a few might ultimately slip through the cracks. But some of them might actually be innocent.
It's time for accountability in this country. I prefer justice for everyone even our enemies to sullying this country's good name any more than we already have.
Jennifer Smyla
Masters candidate