By preventing the child care fee referendum Student Congress is actually preserving student choice.
There is no doubt that there is a need for the program and that its goals are noble but the way in which it would have been funded is fundamentally flawed.
A fee referendum would only allow today's UNC students to vote.
Once fees are approved they rarely if ever decrease or go away.
Any action by Congress that might promote the passage of the fee is not fair to tomorrow's UNC students.
As a representative for South Campus I take my job seriously. I believe in protecting both current and future UNC students.
The logic behind fees is inherently unjust. Especially in these difficult economic times I believe it is especially important that I stick to my principle.
Still I believe that the child care fee is a good program and that it should be funded.
Students should support it because they choose to not because a fee requires them to do so.
I plan to donate $25 to the program.
I know it's not much but it's all I can afford right now and it is more than twice as much as the proposed fee increase.
I encourage all students who also feel passionate about the child care fee to join me in supporting the child care program.
Supporting the program through voluntary donations is the only way to preserve every student's choice.
Taylor Holgate
District 3 Representative