After waiting in the standby line with about 600 other students for the UNC-Duke basketball game last Sunday it became apparent the Carolina Athletic Association needs to sharpen up as an organization.
Along with many others I was a part of the standby line only because I was told by the CAA that no student has ever not once" been turned away from a game if they are in the standby line. The words ""STAND-BY LINE STILL AT 100% SUCCESS RATE"" were still found (in all caps) on the CAA homepage as of Sunday" though they've since been taken down.
CAA members told the standby line that about 200 students would be able to enter the stadium. All in all only about 30 students from the standby line made it into the Dean Dome. Success? Due to the CAA's odd requests and false assertions hundreds of students were stranded outside the Dean Dome when the game started.
Most frustrating was the fact that the CAA did not have anywhere for the stranded students to watch the game. Instead we were forced to sprint to Franklin Street (and miss 10 minutes of the game in the process) while the members of the CAA waltzed into the Dean Dome with their reserved tickets.
The CAA should have known better than to market the standby line in the fashion it did. Then to leave students stranded shows how unprincipled the CAA truly is.
Stephen Kennedy
English and geography
Editor's note: CAA President Andrew Coonin says 70 students got in off the standby line for standing room attendance.