I realize that The Daily Tar Heel is run by students and that the editorial board can hide behind the shield of relative anonymity" but is it really so much to ask that you maintain some level of professionalism?
The editorial on priority registration (""No to priority registration"" Feb. 25) was one of the most poorly written hit-pieces I've ever seen.
Although I sometimes wish we did only have to do three hours of physical training every week, some of us spend 15 to 20 hours in required courses, labs and prep. That's almost as much as some UNC sports teams.
Also, forgetting the fact that all cadets get University credit for Army courses, which automatically disqualifies it as an extracurricular"" activity"" I think some of our alumni serving in Iraq and Afghanistan would find it funny that my fellow students think that ROTC is simply an ""extracurricular activity.""
Lt. Col. (Monte) Yoder actually had nine reasons he outlined in his appeal. It's interesting that the DTH only saw fit to print the point about three-hour sessions and summer training.
The DTH also could have asked any of the dozens of cadets on campus how many hours we put in each week. We wear our uniforms once a week — we aren't hard to spot.
So thanks for throwing men and women who will fight for your country in Afghanistan and Iraq under the bus with poorly researched ""facts"" in order to advance your own agenda. It's nice to know our work is appreciated.
John Green
Army ROTC Cadet