I'm a student a dancer an Obama girl and a Harry Potter dork. I tell you these things first because I want you to feel like you know me even just a little bit.
In addition to all those things I'm also a victim of sexual assault from a complete stranger as of three weeks ago.
I write this letter not to shock you ruin your day gain sympathy or attention. I write this because what I went through needs to be for some good after all. Even if one person takes this seriously and is a little more alert it's worth it.
Every two minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted.
These people aren't just numbers they are people like you and me. They play sports read books and probably filled out a bracket this week.
I could ask you to be safer and always have someone with you lock doors and not be alone at night but I'll leave that up to you.
All I ask is you know I'm a real person not a number.
Kendall Bradshaw
Political Science