v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
Hey UNC student parents: Now that I have to pay for your child care when are you going to start paying for my birth control?
To the girl in the Davis computer lab who just doused her station in Lysol: I realize we all have the sniffles" but really?
North Carolina weather: I know it's not you're fault. This time of the year is rough. But I'm just not sure how much longer I can put up with your mood swings.
To the girl who picks on the kvetching board: I speak fluent Yiddish and kvetch is not pronounced like knife. Touché!
To the so-called experts on the Yiddish word ""kvetch"": The ""k"" is not silent" but maybe you should be.
Dear suitemate: the next time you and your fat boyfriend decide to lock the door and hog the shower for 30 minutes in the morning" I will hit you with a brick.
To UNC undergraduate student body: Thank you for making the UL more of what I like to refer to as the Undergraduate Zoo or Undergraduate Circus.
Rihanna: How am I going to explain to my baby sister that it is not OK to be with a guy who hits her when her favorite singer is?
To the person sitting on the other side of the study carrel: I WILL NOT PLAY FOOTSIE WITH YOU.
Roommate: Aren't you a little too old to be raising a Tamagotchi?
Admirers of our snow-woman in the quad on Monday: You're welcome!
UNC: Please stop trying to be tough and just cancel classes on a snow day. Seriously. Stop it.
Just to let ""y'all"" know" schools above the Mason-Dixon Line have been keeping their libraries open all night long before during and after real snowfalls for years and no bad has come from doing so.
You drank how much this weekend?! OMG! That is like totally more than enough to get you wasted!
For the love of God could we please have some guys at UNC who are not gay or frat boys?
Dear UNC: You should be ashamed. In the middle of this economic crisis you
cancel Ruckus and fire employees yet I keep seeing new large-screen TVs pop up in useless places!
Can we stop arguing about the legitimacy of playing Oregon Trail in class and please tell me where I can get the game? I wanna play!
To my English teacher: Sorry I laughed when I saw the tiny size of your … office.
Send your one-to-two sentence entries to dthedit@gmail.com subject line ‘kvetch.'