Arielle Reid, in expressing her disagreement with Duke Cheston in his article in the Carolina Review (DTH letter to the editor Carolina Review's February issue is offensive garbage"" March 16), exposed several fallacies in the debate over affirmative action.
Firstly, disagreeing with a policy whereby members of a certain group gain by virtue of membership in that group does not entail attacking"" that group as Miss Reid stated.
Secondly" the statistics presented by Mr. Cheston did not state that every single black student would fail. Her example does not therefore contradict the argument formulated by Mr. Cheston. In fact her example buttresses Mr. Cheston's point that students of any race can achieve through systems based purely on merit.
Thirdly the irony of her letter is that in supposedly arguing for diversity" she attacks the very foundations of intellectual diversity by questioning the funding of a group that holds an opposing point of view. Does she believe that diversity is only found in one's ethnicity or national origin? Does one's worldview or set of beliefs play no role in furthering diversity? Diversity must include these various aspects to develop a holistic view of the differing opinions and life experiences of all.
Carolina Review
Anthony Dent
Carolina Review staff writer