On behalf of the Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards selection committee we would like to announce an opportunity for undergraduate students to recognize outstanding professors teaching assistants and University employees.
Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards are the only teaching and staff awards funded nominated and selected entirely by undergraduate students.
Since 1989 we have awarded six $1000 TA awards and three $5000 professor awards each year.
The selection committee encourages undergraduates to nominate those professors and TAs who promote the value of undergraduate teaching and demonstrate a concern for each student inside and outside the classroom.
This spring we will also award one $1000 staff award to a University employee who is not a professor or a TA.
The committee will select a winner based on his/her direct enhancement of the undergraduate experience and dedication to a broad spectrum of undergraduates.
For more information and to nominate a professor TA or University employee visit our Web site at
Eve McTurk and Monique Smith
2009 Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards selection committee co-chairwomen