The March 4 article by Evan Rose" (""Residents Protest Taxes"") was very interesting. Assistant City Editor Rose opened the article commenting that most of the more than 200 people attending were white-haired residents.
It's not anything unusual to have older people involved more than younger ones in such meetings. This seems to be what occurs in many if not most such meetings" except in the case of school meetings where the parents of students do get involved.
The problem I have always had with the attendance at meetings involving government operations is that many younger citizens are not interested enough to attend even though it affects everyone.
That is they do not understand the problems a particular government decision or action really has both legally and financially. They have other interests like sports" viewing TV or just do not care about being involved with any government functions especially with asinine government officials (public servants).
But ""we the people"" are the ones who should control our government — not officials elected or appointed to represent us.
The facts are: We the people — and most of us are taxpayers directly are indirectly — do not need more property taxes!
Wake up folks" young and older ones. It is our general welfare and other aspects of a good government that we must always be aware of and ready to protect.
Lucian A. Mascarella