I am writing in response to the letter to the editor"" ""New student organization has suspect intentions"" (April 13)"" by Patrick Toomey of the Coalition Against Hate. Youth for Western Civilization is extremely offended by the hateful posters plastered around campus calling us ""white supremacists"" and by the blog post written for the Carolina Review spouting the same nonsense.
Let it be known that we have many nonwhite members in Youth for Western Civilization. They claim that we are ""white supremacists"" because we use words like ""heritage"" identity"" and ""pride.""
But are blacks or Hispanics called ""supremacists"" when they use such language? At UNC" we have an organization called the Black Student Movement a group that is focused on racial identity as is the Carolina Hispanic Association" which is dedicated to ""fostering Hispanic awareness within the University.""
It's funny that a liberal such as Mr. Toomey would mention Shakespeare" because it's precisely because of counterculture liberals (with which this campus teems) that Shakespeare is no longer a core requirement for all bachelor's degree candidates.
Many people have asked what immigration has to do with preserving Western civilization.
Well it's certainly difficult for me to explain our philosophy in a letter to the editor" but let me start by recommending that those interested in learning more about our philosophy on immigration's relationship to preserving the West read Pat Buchanan's chapter ""La Reconquista"" in his book ""The Death of the West.""
In that chapter" Buchanan explains that American culture one of the subcultures of Western civilization is severely and irrevocably changed by our current haphazard and whimsical immigration policies.
We as Americans need to focus on assimilating the immigrants we have already in this country before we can afford to accept more — unless you are perfectly content with America being a completely and radically different country from what it was even 30 or 40 years ago.
Riley Matheson
Youth for Western Civilization at Chapel Hill