In response to both the editorial ""Smoking compromise"" (April 5) and the letter to the editor ""N.C. House smoking bill is a sellout to big tobacco"" (April 7)" the regulation of private businesses regarding the use of tobacco products has gone much too far.
As every day passes our society progressively loses respect for private property and the freedom of individuals. Private businesses should be able to dictate their own guidelines regarding tobacco smoke. It is not for a third party to determine how a certain business should be run or claim that they can do so on moral intuition or personal preference. No one is forced to patronize or to work in a certain establishment. The belief that the state should be able to infringe on the legal operations of a private establishment should be rejected.
There happens to be a great solution to this debate and that is the marketplace. Interestingly enough Howard Aldrich in his letter mentions evidence from New York City and California revealing that total patronage actually increases in some cases after a smoking ban is enacted. If it becomes evident to businesses that they can attract more customers with a smoke free policy then many will do so.
In a truly free market consumer demand drives the availability of goods and services and so smart businesses will adapt creating favorable environments for smokers and nonsmokers alike. I am not a cigarette smoker myself and detest cigarette smoke.
However I understand that respect of private property rights is essential to a free society and must be defended vigilantly.
Steve Kwon