v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
To the lady sitting behind me at the ECU baseball game who asked me to please sit down: Are you kidding me? You claim to be a Tar Heel but next time please stay at home.
UNC: You canceled the class I was most looking forward to next semester because of funding but you still find a way to give every kid at CTOPS a free backpack. Where do your priorities lie?
Living in Horton made me invest in earplugs to get through the night.
Dear Board of Distrustees: If you tax my low-emissions scooter" I'll start parking my Hummer illegally in your fancy schmancy parking lot.
To the guy that's always in the Koury kitchen using three burners during peak cooking hours while there is a line of people waiting: There are over 250 people in the dorm and only one kitchen. Who made you king?
Dear boys at UNC: I apologize for calling you a ""meager selection"" earlier. I found my virgins at home this summer" and they're not half the good time y'all are.
Dear UL: Just because there are not as many students in the library over the summer does not make it okay to leave your tables with sticky residue.
Dear Summer School: Thanks for giving me all of two days in between my last session one final exam and the first day of session two. Way to ruin my summer even more.
To the camp counselor who told his campers at Polk Place the rules of camp are to inspect each other and have fun: Seriously?
Send your one-to-two sentence entries to dthedit@gmail.com subject line ‘kvetch.'