I was surprised to read the July 9 editorial ""Do More: Student leaders should use numbers to lobby the GA.""
In March" almost 100 students rallied in the Pit with staff faculty and union organizers against the unfair allocations of money during this budget crisis.
Then we marched through Polk Place and through South Building — where the administration's offices are located — and down Cameron Avenue to the Carolina Inn where the Board of Trustees were meeting.
We rallied outside of the meeting until Chancellor Holden Thorp met with us. The closed meeting was then opened; we read our demands and asked pointed questions to the board.
The protest received wide coverage including the DTH. While I applaud the edit board for recognizing the need for a student presence throughout the budget cuts process this editorial should have informed readers about steps already taken and demands that have yet to be met.
Rakhee Devasthali
Womens Studies