Kudos to the Daily Tar Heel editorial board for defending this university against fascism, censorship, and intolerance (“Protesters be warned,” Sept. 14).
Although charges against Haley Koch and several of her partners-in-crime were dismissed, it was perfectly reasonable for the University to attempt to punish these people for disrupting free speech on this campus.
Jason Palivoda’s recent letter (“Koch editorial defended elitist, right-wing position,” Sept. 16) published in the DTH distorts reality and seethes of inaccuracies and blind judgement.
If Mr. Tancredo can speak freely in Congress, why should he not be able to speak freely in a state-funded university? It is irresponsible and irrational to compare Mr. Tancredo to either the Neo-Nazis or the KKK; rather, Mr. Palivoda is attempting to do what Koch and other protesters did and marginalize any point of view other than his own by resorting to childish name-calling of those who disagree with him.
Thankfully, the DTH and most reasonable people can see through these charades and see the actions of the protesters as what they really were: acts of intolerance to the highest degree. At UNC, we have higher standards, and intolerance will not be accepted.
Bill Laurence