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Saturday, Sept. 7, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

Better technology

ITS has done excellent work upgrading our technology

The University has done a solid job updating the campus’s technological infrastructure.

ConnectCarolina has been successful thus far in bringing much-needed change to student digital services.

The new admissions Web site is up and running and greatly improved. The new campus directory also received a face lift to its user interface that makes searching it easier.

The real prize will come next semester when students register.

As part of ConnectCarolina, students will be registering with a new and much improved interface.

Instead of the arduous way we register now, students will virtually shop for classes. They will be able to place classes in a shopping cart that will keep track of classes they’re wait-listed for.

Plus, the University will be updating its information management technology with ConnectCarolina. This probably won’t be as visible a change to students, but it should help the University increase efficiency.

But Information Technology Services haven’t stopped there. They’re rethinking the way the University does Webmail. Kudos.

Even with this year’s updated Webmail interface, Webmail leaves a lot to be desired — like Gmail’s labels and other extra features. Many students already circumvent the experience altogether by forwarding their mail to another service.

Michael Barker, ITS associate vice chancellor for infrastructure and operations, said ITS isn’t sure what route it will pursue on e-mail. But they are considering several options including outsourcing the e-mail for students or a system that would be similar to the forwarding services ITS already offers.

Barker said these ideas aren’t all-inclusive but just ideas that have come as they’ve assessed student e-mail services. He also said ITS is going to work with students to come up with an idea that meets students’ needs.

ITS has done a commendable job updating our electronic services. They should be proud of the progress and keep up the good work.

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