Someone stole two tires from a Toyota Corolla between 5:30 p.m. Friday and 6:45 a.m. Monday at 1809 N. Fordham Blvd., according to Chapel Hill police reports. The tires were worth $100, reports state. The person also caused $50 in damage to a window, reports state.
Someone keyed a 2003 Honda Accord around 1:45 a.m. Monday at 100 Lanark Road, according to Chapel Hill police reports. The keying resulted in $300 worth of damage, reports state.
Someone stole a purse while it was left unattended between 9 p.m. Monday and 12:53 a.m. Tuesday outside the Local 506, according to Chapel Hill police reports. The purse was valued at $10 and contained $40, a debit card, an N.C. driver’s license, an iPod worth $200, an iPod connector, a wine cork and a medical insurance card, reports state.
A Carrboro man reported a bat flying around his bedroom around 10:21 a.m. Monday at 202 Blueridge Road, according to Carrboro police reports. The officer filled out a rabies protocol report form and transported the animal to the shelter, where the shelter personnel shipped the animal out for testing, reports state.
Someone stole a woman’s brown cloth wallet around 8:25 p.m. Monday at Weaver Street Market, according to Carrboro police reports. The victim said she left the table to dispose of her dishes and either left her wallet on the table or in her purse, reports state. When she returned to the table, her wallet was gone, reports state. The wallet contained the victim’s North Carolina driver’s license, $120, two debit cards and a credit card, reports state.