I was appalled to see that UNC awarded sexist and violent language in the Homecoming banner competition. A poster with violent sexual phrases was given a place ribbon and displayed on the wall of the student union.
Using words like “screw” and “nail” to represent school spirit is detrimental as it normalizes these violent sexual acts. This banner uses a play on sexual domination, something that sadly in our society is representative of the expected male role in sexual relationships. Even without the gendered undertone, the words are problematic due to their violence.
If we continue to equate violent sexual acts with positive themes like winning sporting events within our language, we create a society in which people are unable to address violent sexual acts. By making violence and sex synonymous and normal, we allow crimes in our society to be excused and even condoned.
Our language is such a simple act to change but it is so important because it can empower people, for good or for bad, who understand words’ meanings within a culture.
Chelsea Cook
Public Policy and Women’s Studies