The “Stupak amendment,” a last-minute addition to the health care reform bill passed by the U.S. House, constitutes a right-wing attempt to target women’s reproductive rights.
Not only does this amendment prevent any federal funding from being directed to abortion services, it also refuses funding for public insurance programs that cover abortions, even if that abortion coverage is funded privately. It is probable that many women, especially in our difficult economic times, will need to opt for the public health insurance option. The Stupak amendment is a biased effort to take away their freedom of choice: either pay more for private coverage, or lose affordable access to a legal procedure.
Under the Stupak amendment, abortion will be provided only in cases of rape, incest or threat to the life of the mother.
With such stipulations, women could be forced to testify to strangers about extremely personal and emotionally charged issues, solely to obtain an already-legal abortion. Women should not have to defend choices they have been entrusted with since Roe v. Wade in 1973, and health care providers should not be discriminated against under the new health plan solely because they are willing to provide abortions.
We urge you to contact your senators, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and the president. Encourage them not to support any plan that infringes on a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. President Obama ran as a champion of women’s rights, and he risks losing significant support if he goes back on his word.
Leah Josephson
Lee Storrow
Vox Voices for Planned Parenthood of UNC-CH