Why do most of us UNC students not wear helmets when pedaling around campus? Even a slow speed crash has enough energy to cause a skull fracture and fatal bleeding around the brain.
A more common injury to an unhelmeted rider is a concussion which will cause weeks of terrible headaches, and memory and concentration problems. A simple trip to the ER with a CT scan of your head takes half a day and will cost thousands of dollars.
Why do most of us forgo the helmet? It isn’t required by law but neither is wearing a seat belt in the back of a car.
I don’t know about you, but almost everyone I know buckles up when in any seat of a car.
I know that when I am riding my bike or driving my car I am not likely to crash but I have in the past and will probably in the future.
I am willing to protect all that costly education in my head and it would be a safer and smarter world if more UNC students did too.
Evan Corey