It’s probably an appropriate time for a letter to the editor from an old, cranky alum who will tell you today’s generation of student basketball “fan” has it far too easy — resulting in lousy student attendance.
The gaps of empty seats in the student section are an embarrassment not to the University but rather only to the present student body.
In my days as an undergraduate we camped out all night long in an effort to get the rights to coveted seats in the Dean Dome.
This resulted in early morning chaos, head colds, piles of trash and a full and rowdy student section come game day.
Recent letters to the editor have complained about a mere two hour wait to get into the building.
Some members of the general public drive twice as long just to get to the game.
If the seats in the upper reaches of the Dean Dome are not good enough for our present students, I suggest that we make them available to the general public at discounted prices.
I’ll take two for the Feb. 10 game against Duke.
John Broadfoot
UNC ’95