Regarding Rich Ingram’s letter to the editor, (“Students should not have to subsidize PlayMakers,” Dec. 7), the “privilege card” policy that PlayMakers Repertory Company uses is not done to subsidize but actually help students.
When I was a first year, I took DRAM 116 and did not take advantage of the policy. When it came time to see the play “Doubt,” I was presented with a price tag of $15 to see the show, a cost that has gone up since my first year, and I had to pay this price for every show I went to that semester.
Based on these numbers, PRC actually loses money every time someone uses a privilege card (which cost $16 my first year).
The above estimate was based on about two minutes’ worth of mental math on outdated prices. Long story short, based on my math (which, granted, could be wrong), you would not be subsidizing PlayMakers at all — on the contrary, they are doing us as students a favor, and if you choose not take advantage of that, the only person who would be hurt by it is probably your professor, who is likely in the show in some capacity.
DJ Rogers
Psychology, English