The infamous New York Times article brought forth numerous responses by the UNC community, most of which have been the extreme concern over the portrayal of college women as “needy” and “desperate” for a boyfriend.
It worries me that I have yet to find a male’s perspective on the article. The article seems to imply that men are all greedy, shallow, and sex-obsessed. It seems to imply that women are the only ones seeking legitimate relationships, while men, given the choice, would rather simply use them.
What the article does not address is exactly why a woman can say “out of the 40 percent (male population), there are maybe 20 percent we would consider,” and not be labeled as shallow. In the age of growing feminism, where women are fighting to be on the same playing field as men, I see no reason why women are labeled as the victims, and men by default are labeled as the predators.
The article makes many valid points, however, it harbors an unfairly unilateral sympathy towards women who, by their own admission in article, make the choice to sacrifice and overstep boundaries that they are not comfortable with. If a woman decides that she cannot have fun on a Friday night without sex, then that is her prerogative. But let’s not jump to blaming men when women, the majority of which will agree, are equally as capable of making their own choices.
Zuhaib Mahmood
Political Science