Although the race for student body president is at the forefront of many students’ minds, the Campus Y also held an election for its leaders on Tuesday.
While the SBP run-off election is a front-page story, it was disappointing to see only a few sentences about the results of the Y election in the “Campus Briefs” section. For a close race of seven qualified candidates to lead the University’s largest student service organization, the lack of coverage is frustrating: merely two inches.
While Friday’s article “Seven vie in UNC’s Campus Y president elections” highlighted the candidates, we are disappointed in the follow-up coverage for the election results.
Elizabeth McCain and Marjorie Betubiza, co-presidents elect, and Allie Howard, internal treasurer, deserve to be recognized for their success. This is the first year for the Campus Y to have two elected female co-presidents, and we had the highest voter turnout in recent years for a Campus Y election.
With the approaching 150th Anniversary celebration, a Web site overhaul, increasing fiscal responsibility and advancing alumni relations, this is a big year for Campus Y leadership. We hope that in the future, the DTH will provide better follow-up coverage for all student elections.
Erin Marubashi
Jimmy Waters
Campus Y