Every student should do it at least once. My participation in the UNC Dance Marathon over the past four years has been one of the best experiences I have had at Carolina. More than $400,000 was raised this year.
I’ve met some of my good friends in this 24-hour celebration of the year-long fundraising efforts, and I will treasure each of my experiences. Students work hard all year to prepare for this night, and it all pays off by the last hour when the families explain how they have been helped by this money on an individual basis. Our time and effort is more than worth it as we’re constantly reminded of why we’re dancing and how we’re helping the families and patients of the N.C. Children’s Hospital.
I have danced four years, and am so fortunate to have participated in such an incredible movement. If you haven’t danced, know that you’re missing out. Make plans to get involved next year; you’ll be so glad you did.
Annie Ellis
Journalism, Economics