Christopher Derickson, the current associate registrar, will take over as assistant provost and University registrar on March 15.
The registrar, who reports to the provost, is responsible for managing registration, assigning classrooms, gathering grades and sending out transcripts, notifying students of academic eligibility and supervising graduation procedure.
It is one of the most visible administrative positions to students.
What does the registrar do?
- The registrar’s office is a branch of the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost. He oversees registration, assignment
of class space, collection of grades, reporting of academic eligibility, administration of the graduation process and issuance of transcripts for UNC’s 18,000 undergraduates.
- The office is also responsible for a significant portion of ConnectCarolina, the University’s transition to an integrated software platform for student, personnel and finance records.
Derickson comes into the office with experience in advising, admissions, teaching and the registrar’s office, and said he hopes to make the office work better for students.
“I’ve found that what I enjoy most is knowing that I’m making students’ lives better and easier as an administrator,” he said.
He will relieve associate registrar Roberta Kelly, who has held the position as interim University registrar since July 2009 when the former registrar, Alice Poehls, stepped down.
Bruce Carney, who serves as interim executive vice chancellor and provost, said he was happy to hire Derickson.
“He’s very familiar with how the registrar’s office has been working and how it’s going to be working in the future,” Carney said.