Yes, football is a dangerous sport. It is the cause of most serious sport-related injuries at the high school level (as suggested by the letter to the editor titled “Problem is with football itself, not lack of trainers”, Feb. 2). But this is because it is a contact sport. Anyone playing this game understands that and knows the risks involved.
Football is the greatest sport on this earth. Just wait to see how many people watch the Super Bowl this weekend. Or the number of kids who play the sport from third-grade leagues on up to the high school level.
This sport teaches valuable lessons to its players.
I was not the best high school athlete, but playing football taught me the importance of perseverance and hard work. Watch the movie “Rudy” and you’ll understand.
The sport is perfect. No other sport requires the combination of athletic ability with so much intellectual prowess. Watch how Peyton Manning plays this Sunday.
People who love and play this game are intelligent. They know the risks involved.
But they also know the joys the sport can bring. All across this great country, young men dream of putting a football helmet on.
Robert Fleming