According to The Daily Tar Heel mission and code of ethics, it is dedicated to being “a leader in espousing the ethical standards of the (journalism) industry,” and “to suggesting change and call(ing) out societal wrongs.”
The DTH is not a leader in social change, however, in denying and ignoring students’ requests to remove gendered language from its publications. It is missing an opportunity to be a leader for a stronger UNC and a follower of exemplary journalism (the New York Times avoids gendered terms).
As writers you must convey your message clearly by using appropriate words, not colloquial terms. By using a gendered term, you “erase” the other gender from the writing, alienate readers and deny their importance. It’s time for the DTH to join the bandwagon, truly represent the UNC student body and uphold its values of leadership and innovation.
Eleanor Blake
Graduate Student
Master’s of Public Administration