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The Daily Tar Heel

Networking tips for student job hunters

Consolidating information may help

DTH/Kristen Long
DTH/Kristen Long

When it comes to finding a job, everyone — from family and friends to acquaintances — is a potential contact.

Here are a few tips and programs from University Career Services that can help you count networking among your job search skills:


- Create a list of contacts who you think would want to help you with your job search if asked.

- Make an index card with information and notes for each contact.

- Record important points from each conversation.

- Set goals for contacting a certain number of people each day or week.

- Send a thank-you letter or call again to encourage a follow-up.

- When speaking to a contact:

1) Identify yourself.

2) Briefly describe your career goals and the job you are looking for.

3) Briefly describe your experience, qualifications and skills.

4) Ask whether the contact knows of any job openings or any other contacts.

5) Ask if the contact is okay with you using his or her name when calling other contacts.

6) Ask the contact if you may send him or her a resume.


- An online database called Carolina Collection makes thousands of UNC alumni available to students.

The directory has contact information for professionals across the globe who have volunteered to assist and advise students in their career search.

Access the database online at

- University Career Services hosts six to eight Networking Nights each year to give students a chance to meet, learn from and make contacts with real-world professionals.

Each night focuses on a specific profession that students might have a tough time finding a first job in, such as public relations, publishing or the arts.

The next Networking Night is for people who enjoy working with people.

It will be held Thursday at 5:30 p.m. on the fourth floor of Hanes Hall.

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