In response to the article “UNC often finds it difficult to communicate with students,” (April 15) the answer is clear. The UNC administration does not have difficulty communicating with the students.
Rather, some students lack the maturity to be a responsible member of UNC community to read, listen and ask questions. There are many excuses for not reading official e-mails, but that does not excuse anyone was claiming UNC did not make an effort to communicate.
In both cases described in the article, namely the shooting drill and Carolina Connect, UNC has tried to contact all students multiple times.
The breakdown in communication, as described by the informal survey in the article, is students not listening.
My advice: Take 5 minutes, read the e-mail, then pass the information on in conversation to your friends. We are here to learn how to be knowledgeable and responsible citizens. Start with our UNC community.
Benjamin Heumann
Graduate Student