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Rams Head Rec Center patrons see longer wait times for courts

Pick-up ball wait times have risen

UNC students wait for their turn on the court at Rams Head Recreat. DTH/ Melissa Abbey
UNC students wait for their turn on the court at Rams Head Recreat. DTH/ Melissa Abbey

There they are: standing along the gym wall, gazing at the action and waiting around. These aren’t the awkward guys from high school prom — they’re basketball players waiting to get on a court.

Ever since Woollen Gymnasium shut down over the summer for construction, basketball courts available for pick-up games have been reduced to only a few scattered around campus, primarily the three open courts in the Rams Head Recreation Center.

The shortage of courts has forced players to wait for as long as several hours at a time to get in a game.

“I used to come in every afternoon and would never wait for more than 30 minutes, but now I have to wait for more than an hour or so before I can even get in a game,” said junior Ehimere Etomi.

Etomi said that for students who have hectic schedules, the overcrowding cramps their usual routine.

“I like to come in and lift and then play right away, but now I’ll come downstairs and can’t always stay long enough to even get a game in. It’s tough to gauge my time,” he said.

Campus Recreation officials said they are aware of the problem but don’t have any long-term solution. The Woollen Gym courts won’t open until the end of the summer.

“We have adjusted the intramural schedule to allow for more open court time,” said Campus Recreation Director Marty Pomerantz.

“But the truth is that it’s a temporary situation and everyone has just kind of had to bite the bullet.”

Before it closed, Woollen Gymnasium provided eight courts often open for pick-up basketball.

Campus Recreation also has four courts available in Fetzer Gym, but club sports and intramural teams often occupy those.

There are four outdoor courts available for open play, but UNC employee Mike Green, who plays basketball on campus regularly, said those courts are less than ideal.

“A lot of people do play outside, but they’re more dangerous and tough to play on during the wintertime,” he said.

Green added that he usually has to wait for a very long time, sometimes up to three games before getting called in, with each game taking up to 30 minutes.

Staff members at Campus Recreation said they have taken notice of the problem, too.

“I’ve checked out balls to people who will walk in and walk right back out,” said sophomore Brie Shelly, who works at Rams Head gym. “They can’t even find a place to shoot.”

Pomerantz said that while he has no permanent solution, he thinks students will enjoy the finished renovations at Woollen Gym.

“It will be worth it in the long run.”

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