We would like to share our excitement about the recent food justice progress at UNC.
First, Aramark Corp. — the company that Carolina Dining Services contracts to provide food on campus — recently signed a labor agreement with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a farmworker organization in Florida.
The result will be that many of the hard-working people who harvest tomatoes will be treated more fairly.
We congratulate Aramark for joining the four largest fast food companies and the largest foodservice company in taking this much-needed step in support of human rights.
Following shortly after that development, our own Carolina Union Board of Directors passed an inspiring resolution calling for the Wendy’s that is planned for the Union to offer healthier and more environmentally friendly options than a normal Wendy’s restaurant.
On top of all this good news, we received a very welcome statement from Carolina Dining Services that they will not allow the planned Wendy’s to serve tomatoes that violate the Coalition of Immokalee Workers guidelines for fair pay and working conditions. (Wendy’s has chosen not to sign the agreement.)
The starting point for a better world is the belief that it is possible.
These recent actions by Carolina Dining Services and the Carolina Union Board of Directors are clear indications that UNC not only believes that a better world is possible, but that we are committed to creating it.
Rebecca Clay