Amity UMC hosted a Human Trafficking Program, sponsored by our United Methodist Women’s group, at 7:15 p.m. Monday. Guest speakers Donna M. Brickford and Charity Magnuson discussed the horrible reality that this ancient practice abounds in our modern world. Donna is the director of the Carolina Women’s Center, and Charity represents North Carolina Stop Human Trafficking.
There are an estimated 27 million people in slavery at this moment, with more than 13 million of them being children. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world and the second largest criminal enterprise in the world. With around half of human trafficking victims being under the age of 18, our community must be advocates of the countless children suffering from these crimes.
This forum was held to raise awareness about human trafficking and to share thoughts on the issues. Amity would love to see our community come together to stop trafficking. We hope to aid in educating others and advocating for social change. We encourage you to take the time to learn more about the issue and get involved in the community. If you would like to learn more, please contact us with questions.
Kelly E. Leonhardt
Amity UMC