This is in regard to the letters of support for Burr and Marshall (“College Republicans stir up support for Burr,” “Elaine Marshall might not be ideal Senate candidate,” July 15).
While I admire the two letter writers’ dedication to their causes, pro-Burr and pro-Marshall, we should not care if the best representative is Democrat or Republican because it no longer matters.
Our two-party system is corrupt with power, special interest groups and lobbyists. Only when we, the people, vote out all incumbents (with a few exceptions) can we start fresh.
The two-party system no longer works effectively and it is time for us to declare our independence.
The political playing field is a game played between Republicans and Democrats, and we are the fans getting ripped off by this incompetence, demagoguery and a blind-leading-the-blind mentality.
I say abolish the two-party system and again make us a nation of independents. America was founded by individuals with the mind to think differently, and pursue a dream without regard to popularity.
The young Democrats and young Republicans of today should abandon their party principles and learn to think for themselves.
René de la Varre
Chapel Hill resident