The continued ineptness and failures of the current administration force one to reconsider the arguments of a movement whose obituary was written and rewritten by pundits across the spectrum. Conservatism is not dead, as one can deduce from polls indicating a Republican takeover of the U.S. House and, potentially, even the U.S. Senate.
One commentator who foresaw the ephemeral nature of America’s fondness for President Obama’s policies was Karl Rove, one of the more famous (or notorious) members of the Bush administration.
His Washington experiences certainly give him an interesting perspective on the events of the day, so UNC College Republicans is proud to announce that Karl Rove will be coming to speak on campus at UNC this coming semester. He will deliver his speech, titled “America’s Challenges,” on Monday, Sept. 20 at 5 p.m. in Memorial Hall. Student tickets are now available in the box office, so be sure to reserve yours today!
Anthony E. Dent
UNC College Republicans