Joseph Polcaro needs freshmen.
As his taxes keep rising, Polcaro has become more dependent on the revenue from his parking spaces. Since freshmen cannot buy on-campus parking, they help keep his business — Joseph’s Hairstyling — afloat.
Even as the University adds on-campus parking, local businesses with private lots have seen steady demand for spots, keeping strong a large source of their income.
“I don’t pay too much attention to parking on campus,” Polcaro said, who works on North Columbia Street. And, he said, he doesn’t have to.
But he may have to soon.
UNC Department of Public Safety spokesman Randy Young said there will likely be a shift in years to come as campus construction continues.
As new buildings are completed, they will be filled with more students and employees who will demand parking spaces.
In the 2010-2011 school year, the University distributed more than 14,000 parking permits, and with growing student and employee populations, this number is expected to increase.
“The trend has been to construct facilities on campus for multiple purposes, like the Rams facilities we currently have,” Young said. “We’re constantly researching various areas on campus for potential space for parking.”