C.W. Stanford Middle School student Moenesha Johnson, 13, returned this week to a tutoring program in Hillsborough.
She participated in the program last year for help in math and came back for more this school year.
“I was getting D’s and C’s,” she said. “It helped me with math and new skills to help with problems.
“After tutoring I got B’s instead of C’s.”
For the third year, the Hillsborough Police Department is partnering with UNC students to offer free tutoring sessions to county students.
The program, which began Monday, connects UNC Habitat for Humanity volunteers with Orange County Schools students for after-school tutoring sessions.
The sessions are held at the Community Policing Substation in Hillsborough from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. every Monday and Tuesday during the school year.
The program is available to all district students and provides help with reading, math and science.
UNC student Jasmine Nesi was involved in the program last year and is now the tutoring chairwoman for UNC Habitat.