The Daily Tar Heel
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Saturday, Sept. 28, 2024 Newsletters Latest print issue

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The Daily Tar Heel

UNC officials are standing behind football coach Butch Davis despite increasing reports of improprieties of former associate coach John Blake.

In a press conference, Davis said he feels that he has the full backing of the University and will continue to serve as coach for years to come.

Bob Winston, chairman of UNC’s Board of Trustees, said that he and the other trustees still have confidence in Davis as the coach and that questions about his oversight of his team are mere speculation.

“They have confidence in coach Davis and his ability to lead the University of North Carolina football team,” Winston said of the Board of Trustees.

Chancellor Holden Thorp echoed that sentiment, saying that he believes the necessary corrections will be made to the football program and that there are no plans to replace Davis as coach.

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