Democrats. Independents. Rational Republicans. Lend me your ears.
Did you vote for Barack Obama in 2008? Good for you. But the president doesn’t act alone. He needs a Democratic congress to pass his progressive programs — improved health care reform, cleaning up the nation’s financial and budget mess, and stimulating the economy to create jobs. With the Republican leadership obstructing Democratic proposals (and some of their own “bipartisan” ideas) at every turn, it’s an uphill battle. Did you really think the Bush/Cheney/GOP disaster could be fixed in just two years?
For Obama to succeed, you must vote on Nov. 2 to put more Democrats in the House and Senate (and in state offices as well). The Republican Tea Partiers, inspired by the likes of Palin, Beck and Limbaugh, think they have a chance to win control of both houses this year, which could endanger programs like federal student aid and grandma’s Social Security and Medicare. Only you can prove them wrong.
If you are not registered to vote, register now. If you are going to need an absentee ballot, order it now. Urge your friends to register and vote, too.
Inform yourself. Politicians and parties aren’t perfect, but they do present definite choices. Vote Democrat on Nov. 2 (it’s just six weeks away.).
Edison McIntyre
Durham Residen