Carolina strives to be an inclusive and diverse community for people of all backgrounds.
In 2004-05, the Chancellor’s Task Force on Diversity conducted assessments and research on the climate of diversity and used the results of the research to determine the steps needed to create a more inclusive atmosphere for learning, living, working and visiting.
Each year since 2006, the Office for Diversity and Multicultural Affairs has provided annual reports summarizing efforts led by academic and administrative units to achieve the goals of the Diversity Plan adopted and implemented in fall 2006.
Now, five years after the original assessment, we want to learn what has changed as a result of the efforts made to achieve the goals of the plan and to learn what else we must do to achieve our vision for a diverse and inclusive community.
Beginning Monday, Oct. 11, through Wednesday, Oct. 20, the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs in conjunction with the Office for Institutional Research and Assessment will administer a web-based survey to a randomly drawn sample of students and all faculty and all staff.
This is everyone’s opportunity to contribute to their voice and viewpoints on how we can achieve an inviting, welcoming and supportive Carolina community for everyone.
Please take a few minutes to respond to the survey and encourage your colleagues to do the same.
Archie Ervin, Ph.D.
Associate Provost
Diversity and Multicultural Affairs
Hogan Medlin
Student Body President