v.1 (Yiddish) to complain
I liked the Chilean Miners when they were still underground, now they’re so mainstream.
To the girls at Davis talking about doing blow, I believe this is an “Adderall Only” zone.
Professor: Don’t say I said something I didn’t say in the debate. You are making me sound much stupider than I am.
To my roommate who showers with the light off and a candle lit, please stop. You’re a guy.
Has anyone else noticed that one of the crossing signs at the Columbia and Franklin intersection is giving the shocker?
To the girl sitting in front of me in philosophy that was Google-searching Plan B effectiveness, I hope for the sake of society that it works.
Clueless classmates — voting for the take home exam over the in-class variety is like asking the judge for 10 years of jail instead of 2. Thanks for a lovely weekend behind (and not in) bars.