To the author of the kvetch that was printed last Friday (“To the idiot who thinks my sundresses only cost $50 [where do you shop, Wal-Mart?]: Sundress: $500, Ray-Bans: $170, Cowboy boots: $450. Being better than GDIs: PRICELESS. There are some things money can’t buy; for everything else, there’s Daddy’s Amex … platinum,” Oct. 8th), I ask you this: Have you no humility?
While the kvetch you responded to (Oct. 1) probably struck a nerve due to its insulting nature, the way you chose to express your irritation makes me question how you view your personal wealth and its hegemonic functionality.
Are people who weren’t born with silver spoons in their mouths inferior to you? There are people all across the nation who can only afford to shop at Wal-Mart, and I’m guessing it’s not their choosing.
You have every right to be proud that you can afford to wear $450 cowboy boots, but please be considerate of those who cannot, namely your peers. I’m sure all of the students at UNC who depend on loans, grants and financial aid to pay for their education would love to have that kind of disposable money, but life’s circumstances may not have afforded them the same monetary opportunities as you.
Take a step back and realize that your callous remark about shopping at Wal-Mart is a reality for many, and no doubt offensive. The nature of your words paints you as an insensitive, pompous person whether you meant for it to or not.
Daddy’s platinum Amex may buy you all the beautiful, expensive sundresses your heart desires, but it will never buy you compassion and understanding for people who have no choice but to live frugal lives.
Sarah McGuire
Public Policy