Voter apathy is the number one enemy of democracy.
At the present time, the second enemy of democracy is unbridled corporate and special interest money flooding our political system to unfairly influence, manipulate, and, through corporate-owned media, disseminate disinformation. This corrupts the choice of the people against their own collective good, and is completely to the benefit of the powerful interests.
Voter apathy is destructive to the rights of individuals. An ill-informed, unquestioning and manipulated voter serves to increase the privileges of corporations and the influence of fringe extremists and, therefore, diminishes the rights of individuals. An uninterested, unmotivated and nonparticipating voter benefits the powerful minority over the good of the individual.
Consider that the next elected officials will: Redraw the Congressional districts to party advantage; impede or aid the work of the people’s government; confirm the next Supreme Court nominee; negate or enhance the quality of life and the human condition, the protection of the least protected, and promote fairness and balance in government; defend or limit personal rights.
By voting we get the government we desire and our country needs. By not voting we get the government we deserve.
Jonathan D. Whitney
Chapel Hill resident