In response to “Elections more important than popularity contest,” (Nov. 1) we could not agree with you more on some of your points. The elections held today are far more important than campus elections; students should push for an active role in our democracy, especially by voting. However, to call what we passionately care about and work for a ‘popularity contest veiled by a weak service component,’ we respectfully have to disagree.
Both of us have already implemented our service projects on smaller scales in previous years; the title of Mr. and Miss UNC allows not for the chance for us to be “royal” or “monarchy,” but rather for the opportunity for us to expand our platforms to the rest of campus.
We both have serious ties to whom our projects serve; both students with mental and physical disabilities and childhood cancer patients are near and dear to our hearts for respective reasons. We painted A-frames, shaved heads and held up signs for them.
It was unfortunate that Homecoming week and election time were so close together, and we apologize for taking away from the publicity of the elections. This was not, in any sense, our objective.
Today, we encourage all students and faculty to go vote in the governmental elections if you have not already done so. But also know this- we were not running for popularity. We ran to show what we as students of this University strive for: empowering and serving our community, with or without a crown.
Chase Jones
Business Administration
Monica Doyle