In submitting his letter “Ingram’s Board of Elections complaint is legitimate,” De La Rosa committed the very violation of which he has accused Mr. Lee.
The very Title VI bill which De La Rosa cites defines campaign staff as “any person who assists the activities of campaigning.” Campaigning is then defined as “any act … that has the effect of promoting the interests of a campaign.” In decrying Lee, one of Ingram’s potential opponents, De La Rosa is advancing the interests of Ingram’s campaign. De La Rosa is therefore a member of Ingram’s campaign staff, and is publicly campaigning before the law permits.
And perhaps, by this same logic, I am equally guilty for violating campaign law. If this is the case, it only serves to demonstrate the patent absurdity of what is undoubtedly the worst law Congress has passed in a very long time.
Dakota Williams
Speaker Emeritus
Student Congress
Student Body Treasurer