One Act is a new training program at UNC that works to reduce interpersonal violence in our community through bystander intervention.
Sexual assault is a major problem at college campuses nationwide, and, unfortunately, our campus is no exception. Nationwide, more than 20 percent of college females report incidents of unwanted sexual touching, sexual assault, rape, stalking or abusive relationships while in college.
However, One Act is about more than just educating students about these issues. It is about changing our campus culture so that we can create an environment that doesn’t tolerate interpersonal violence.
This is not something that can be accomplished by a small group. We all must work together. One Act is about simple actions like speaking up in uncomfortable situations, planning how to get home with your friends before going out, or making sure an intoxicated friend makes it home safely.
It only takes one act to prevent violence, and if we all take one act, we will change UNC for the better. Sign up for a One Act training. Training is a one-time, four-hour session. Participants will get free dinner along with One Act T-shirts, pens and buttons.
For a list of One Act trainings, visit us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter at oneactcarolina or e-mail us at oneact If you would like to become a peer educator or committee member with One Act, e-mail us for an application. Applications are due in late January.
Kathleen Lockwood